Entourage, Office XP and Exchange 2000 duplicated entry issues



I have a user (our President) set up on a Mac (10.1.3) Powerbook with
Entourage (Office V:X), his Admin (who has rights to add/edit/delete in his
Inbox, Calendar, Contacts, etc.) is running Windows XP with Office XP--both
are using Exchange 2000 Server... We have noticed, however, that on
occasion, whenever she puts items into his Calendar, they don't show up, and
he ends up putting them in his Calendar, resulting in duplication.

Of course, he will go back and delete the one that she entered, and she then
notices that her entries are gone, which is how we discovered the issue
(besides there being duplicates on her machine in the first place). Any
ideas why her entries may not be showing up? He was using Office 2003 on XP
before he purchased a Macintosh, so all of his old information (including
settings) was entered in the Exchange server before Entourage...



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