entourage preferences / 2 copies of entourage



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

What's the best fix? I recently bought a macbookpro that turned out to be defective. Apple Store replaced the cpu and copied over my Office and certain other software and files. The new cpu Macintosh hard disk> Applications and my home Applications folders both show Office, When I ran the upgrade to Office 10.4.1, the installer indicated that I have 2 Office copies and so I installed the upgrade to both. I just noticed that the Entourage has the problem of Preferences crashing Entourage (on both copies). I assume both are are looking at the same databases because they have identical address books, etc. There is a Remove Office app. Would removing both and reinstalling one copy fix the problem? Will my license number not be accepted on the reinstall?

William Smith

Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

What's the best fix? I recently bought a macbookpro that turned out
to be defective. Apple Store replaced the cpu and copied over my
Office and certain other software and files. The new cpu Macintosh
hard disk> Applications and my home Applications folders both show
Office, When I ran the upgrade to Office 10.4.1, the installer
indicated that I have 2 Office copies and so I installed the upgrade
to both. I just noticed that the Entourage has the problem of
Preferences crashing Entourage (on both copies). I assume both are
are looking at the same databases because they have identical address
books, etc. There is a Remove Office app. Would removing both and
reinstalling one copy fix the problem? Will my license number not be
accepted on the reinstall?

Definitely uninstall and reinstall.

You're not limited to the number of times you can reinstall your
software and use your license number. You're only limited to the number
of machines (1) where your license number can be legally used. Office
does not use any online activation or verification.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>


Will the remove &gt; reinstall process destroy my addresses, schedules on my calandar, my views, etc that were in the initial install, which is mainly why the Apple Store Genius transferred my items to the new mac?
Many thanks.

Diane Ross

What's the best fix? I recently bought a macbookpro that turned out to be
defective. Apple Store replaced the cpu and copied over my Office and certain
other software and files. The new cpu Macintosh hard disk&gt; Applications and
my home Applications folders both show Office, When I ran the upgrade to
Office 10.4.1, the installer indicated that I have 2 Office copies and so I
installed the upgrade to both.

I'm guessing that the one in root application's folder is the test drive.
The copy of Office in your User's folder is the real deal.

You must get rid of the test drive using "Remove Office".

You only need Office in the root Application folder. This way it's available
for any User on your computer.

Office 2004 isn't as smart as Office 2008 installing fonts. So not only will
you have duplicate fonts in your User's folder but also in your root
Library/Fonts folder.

If you have a backup on your computer that could account for two copies.
Will the remove &gt; reinstall process destroy my addresses, schedules on my
calandar, my views, etc that were in the initial install, which is mainly why
the Apple Store Genius transferred my items to the new mac?

Remove Office does not remove any documents or personal settings you have
saved. However, there are rare cases after running an installer where data
goes missing. Making a backup is always advised when updating software. The
folder you need to backup is your Microsoft User Data folder located in

YOUR USER FOLDER/Documents/Microsoft User Data


Your help is greatfully appreciated; however I'm new to Mac stuff and trying to learn, so before reinstalling and saving, etc., below is the crash report (which I sent to Apple but apparently will not get a reply) is generated when executing Entourage Preferences.
Other noteworthy info:
I am running Time Machine, which might be the reason it appears that 2 copies of Office are running. Also, Apple icon&gt; About this mac &gt; more info indicates the Office kind is ppc, which the crash report indicates is translated, so I assume my macbookpro's/intel core duo/ Leopard is competent at running all the Office modules, even though not all the modules (Word, PPT, etc show 11.4.1, except for Excel and a few other files. I assume the upgrade versions only upgrade one or another module; correct?

Process: Microsoft Entourage [8910]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Entourage
Identifier: com.microsoft.Entourage
Version: 080122 (11.4.0)
Code Type: PPC (Translated)
Parent Process: launchd [71]

Date/Time: 2008-03-23 23:07:14.255 -0400
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C2028)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000030
Crashed Thread: 0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 translate 0xb80bcdac 0xb8000000 + 773548
1 translate 0xb80b705b 0xb8000000 + 749659
2 translate 0xb80d4a14 0xb8000000 + 870932
3 translate 0xb813d7b3 spin_lock_wrapper + 4259

Thread 1:
0 ??? 0x800bb9e6 0 + 2148252134
1 ??? 0x800c31dc 0 + 2148282844
2 translate 0xb818b6ea CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 202802
3 ??? 0x800ecc55 0 + 2148453461
4 ??? 0x800ecb12 0 + 2148453138

Thread 2:
0 translate 0xb8152bbf spin_lock_wrapper + 91311
1 translate 0xb817b628 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 137072
2 translate 0xb80bdbdf 0xb8000000 + 777183
3 translate 0xb80b705b 0xb8000000 + 749659
4 translate 0xb80d4a14 0xb8000000 + 870932
5 translate 0xb813d7b3 spin_lock_wrapper + 4259

Thread 3:
0 translate 0xb81528b7 spin_lock_wrapper + 90535
1 translate 0xb816e7bd CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 84229
2 translate 0xb80bdbdf 0xb8000000 + 777183
3 translate 0xb80b705b 0xb8000000 + 749659
4 translate 0xb80d4a14 0xb8000000 + 870932
5 translate 0xb813cecd spin_lock_wrapper + 1981

Thread 4:
0 translate 0xb8152a43 spin_lock_wrapper + 90931
1 translate 0xb8183653 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 169883
2 translate 0xb81861e4 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 181036
3 translate 0xb80dfb5f 0xb8000000 + 916319

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
eax: 0x00000030 ebx: 0xb80bcd84 ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0x00000003
edi: 0x00000030 esi: 0x80303820 ebp: 0xb7fffa08 esp: 0xb7fff9d0
ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00010206 eip: 0xb80bcdac cs: 0x00000017
ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037
cr2: 0x00000030

Binary Images:
0xb8000000 - 0xb81d7fe7 translate ??? (???) /usr/libexec/oah/translate

Translated Code Information:
Rosetta Version: 21.01
Args: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Support/LaunchCFMApp /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Entourage
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)

Thread 0: (0xb009ad64, 0xb8152bbf)
0x00000000: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Support/LaunchCFMApp : + 0
0x006e4934: /Applications/Microso

Diane Ross

Your help is greatfully appreciated; however I'm new to Mac stuff and trying
to learn,

Cheers and Welcome to Mac! I have a few tips and links posted to help new
users here:

so before reinstalling and saving, etc., below is the crash report
(which I sent to Apple but apparently will not get a reply) is generated when
executing Entourage Preferences.

Correct, when you send in crash reports, it just helps the developers fix
problems. You never get a reply.
Other noteworthy info:
I am running Time Machine, which might be the reason it appears that 2 copies
of Office are running.

That is a reasonable assumption. I would not update anything on the Time
Machine or you loose the value of having a backup to fall back on.
Personally, I eject my Time Machine drive when running the Office installer
because it takes so long searching for copies to update.

You should exclude your Microsoft User Data folder from the Time Machine.
One ... making a backup hourly will quickly fill your drive and the other is
backing up the database while in use can result in a corrupt copy.

How to exclude:

Open Time Machine in System Preferences
Click on the Options tab
Click the + button to add the Microsoft User Data folder in your User's
Documents folder.

Options to backup your data:

Entourage and Time Machine (creates chronological backup of Identity can be
used by both Tiger and Leopard)


Alternative method to use Entourage and Time Machine (does a once a day or
whatever time period you select)

Also, Apple icon&gt; About this mac &gt; more info
indicates the Office kind is ppc, which the crash report indicates is
translated, so I assume my macbookpro's/intel core duo/ Leopard is competent
at running all the Office modules, even though not all the modules (Word, PPT,
etc show 11.4.1, except for Excel and a few other files. I assume the upgrade
versions only upgrade one or another module; correct?

Office 2004 will run slower on your machine because it runs off of Rosetta.
Office 2008 is designed to run on Intel Macs.
Parent Process: launchd [71]

This is an Apple OS feature.

I can't find your original message to see what your problem is other than
finding two copies. Usually Frameworks in a crash log indicate one or more
components of Office have not been updated correctly and are now out of
synch with other bits. Normally....

If you receive a framework error, re-apply recent updates.

With Office 2008 I suggest following the steps here:

New installer for 12.0.1



This is great, thanks.
What to do next....

1. Is it still necessary to uninstall and reinstall Office, now that I know it was the upgrade installer seeing the Time Machine copy of Office and indicating I install upgrades to that copy too because it couldn't determine it was the Time Machine copy?

2. Here's what I've done so far; comments appreciated:
a. I created a new identity, which allows Entourage Preferences and doesn't crash Entourage.
b. I excluded Microsoft User Data folder from the Time Machine.
c. For the time being, I turned off Time machine and
d. from the busted identity, I exported the e-mail folders to filename.rge, then
e. I imported filename.rge into the new identity so not to lose all prior e-mail folders, e-mail content, and address book.

3. Is it OK now to delete the busted identity, which was called "main identity"?

4. I guess if I need to reinstall, I should export the working identity to an .rge, uninstall Office, install from the CD, create a new Entourage identity, import the .rge, and then
turn on Time Machine (is it necessary to undo and redo the exclude Microsoft User Data folder?)

5. When Microsoft User Data folder is excluded, does the Time machine backup my e-mail folders and addresses (like exporting to .rge)?

Again, my thanks and sorry for the long-winded queries.

Diane Ross

This is great, thanks.
What to do next....

1. Is it still necessary to uninstall and reinstall Office, now that I know it
was the upgrade installer seeing the Time Machine copy of Office and
indicating I install upgrades to that copy too because it couldn't determine
it was the Time Machine copy?

Probably not. Are you seeing 12.0.1 under "About Entourage". Just wanted to
verify that you got a good update. You might want to get this script that
helps identify the different applications in Office and what version they
should be.

Microsoft does not update each application every time an update is released.
See ³Confused over Microsoft Update Version numbers?³


If you are unfamiliar with scripts start here:


AppleScripts are one of the great features in Entourage. It gives you the
opportunity to customize Entourage in many ways. Visit the Favorite Scripts


Most scripts are free.
2. Here's what I've done so far; comments appreciated:
a. I created a new identity, which allows Entourage Preferences and doesn't
crash Entourage.
b. I excluded Microsoft User Data folder from the Time Machine.
c. For the time being, I turned off Time machine and
d. from the busted identity, I exported the e-mail folders to filename.rge,
e. I imported filename.rge into the new identity so not to lose all prior
e-mail folders, e-mail content, and address book.

3. Is it OK now to delete the busted identity, which was called "main

If you are satisfied that you have everything, then delete it. You can name
Identities anything you want. It is not necessary to have one named "Main."
4. I guess if I need to reinstall, I should export the working identity to an
.rge, uninstall Office, install from the CD, create a new Entourage identity,
import the .rge, and then
turn on Time Machine (is it necessary to undo and redo the exclude Microsoft
User Data folder?)

When you "Remove Office" and re-install, it does not touch your data....at
least it's not supposed to. I always recommend backing up the Microsoft User
Data folder before doing a "Remove Office" for that 1% or less that
experience data loss.

If you use one of my Time Machine tutorials you'll be covered.
5. When Microsoft User Data folder is excluded, does the Time machine backup
my e-mail folders and addresses (like exporting to .rge)?

Anything in the Microsoft User Data folder will be excluded. All of your
mail, contacts, etc are stored here.


Depending on where your Entourage archive (.rge) is located, Time Machine
will backup it up as long as it's not in MUD.
Again, my thanks and sorry for the long-winded queries.

That's OK as long as the questions are all related. If your questions are
about different topics, it's best to ask in separate messages. It makes
getting help easier and following a topic easier.

Sounds like you are on track for learning Entourage and the Mac.

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