Entourage script to Quit


Jeffrey Gordon


I've looked everywhere for a quit script for Entourage. Sounds simple,
I know... and I've tried:

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
end tell

Which is nifty in theory... but doesn't work in two cases:

1. When I'm trying to invoke the script (on a timer or via a Rule)
while it's trying to download mail from other accounts... there's a
"Network Operation" dialog box that interferes and prevents shutdown. I
don't know how to tell it to 'click' OK.

2. This script also doesn't really fully shut down Entourage, either.
It closes the window... seems to pause the process... but I have to
force quit the application to really get it to shutdown.

Can anyone please help me?

Thank you!


Diane Ross

I've looked everywhere for a quit script for Entourage. Sounds simple,
I know... and I've tried:

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
end tell
Which is nifty in theory... but doesn't work in two cases:

1. When I'm trying to invoke the script (on a timer or via a Rule)
while it's trying to download mail from other accounts... there's a
"Network Operation" dialog box that interferes and prevents shutdown. I
don't know how to tell it to 'click' OK.

Have you set a schedule to quit Entourage?

On Quit

Run AppleScript toggle work offline
2. This script also doesn't really fully shut down Entourage, either.
It closes the window... seems to pause the process... but I have to
force quit the application to really get it to shutdown.

Force quitting the application should not be used unless there are serious
Can anyone please help me?

You might be able to add a schedule to run this script on quit: Toggle work
offline. This should stop Entourage from opening a network connection.


If you could explain your process and how you are quitting Entourage, we
might be able to offer suggestions.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

Jeffrey Gordon

Hi Diane:

Um, I'm not really sure how to answer your questions. I'm a power user
and I know that I normally don't want to force quit anything. But, as I
explained, the script that I listed above didn't properly do the job...
and it SHOULD.

Working offline is a good idea, I suppose... but that doesn't address
the issue as to why an applescript that provides the "quit" instruction
doesn't actually do it.

I don't want a schedule (though I've tried it that way, and I get the
same result). I want to send an e-mail remotely, and upon processing
it, it triggers the script. It shouldn't matter how I invoke the script
though... it should still work.

Overall, I don't want it to run the script while Entourage is
quitting... I want the script to CAUSE Entourage to Quit.



Diane Ross

Um, I'm not really sure how to answer your questions. I'm a power user
and I know that I normally don't want to force quit anything. But, as I
explained, the script that I listed above didn't properly do the job...
and it SHOULD.

Working offline is a good idea, I suppose... but that doesn't address
the issue as to why an applescript that provides the "quit" instruction
doesn't actually do it.

Sound like it's timing out.
I don't want a schedule (though I've tried it that way, and I get the
same result). I want to send an e-mail remotely, and upon processing
it, it triggers the script. It shouldn't matter how I invoke the script
though... it should still work.
I'm confused over quitting Entourage and sending an email remotely.
Overall, I don't want it to run the script while Entourage is
quitting... I want the script to CAUSE Entourage to Quit.

I'm suggesting the schedule on quit to run the script to work offline. This
might solve the problem of your script that is quitting Entourage to
complete rather than time out.

The schedule only activates when Entourage is quit.

You might want to discuss this on the Entourage talk list. There are a lot
of power users there that don't read this list. It's a great place to get
script help from a wide base of users.

How to subscribe to Entourage-Talk:


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

William Smith

Jeffrey Gordon said:
Hi Diane:

Um, I'm not really sure how to answer your questions. I'm a power user
and I know that I normally don't want to force quit anything. But, as I
explained, the script that I listed above didn't properly do the job...
and it SHOULD.

Working offline is a good idea, I suppose... but that doesn't address
the issue as to why an applescript that provides the "quit" instruction
doesn't actually do it.

I don't want a schedule (though I've tried it that way, and I get the
same result). I want to send an e-mail remotely, and upon processing
it, it triggers the script. It shouldn't matter how I invoke the script
though... it should still work.

Overall, I don't want it to run the script while Entourage is
quitting... I want the script to CAUSE Entourage to Quit.

Hi Jeff!

I don't think you'll be able to quit Entourage from within Entourage.
The script won't quit until Entourage is quit and Entourage won't quit
until the script is finished running. Catch 22.

You'll need something external to Entourage to issue the quit command.

This string should work so long as it's not invoked from anything within

tell application "Entourage" to quit

Possibly, you could set a rule that changes a folder in the Finder and
then a folder script watching the folder could quit Entourage.

Hope this helps! bill

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