Entourage Sounds



All the sound notification boxes are checked in my Entourage preferences, but when I click on the speaker, no sound plays. Nor am I getting any sound notifications. How do I fix this?

Diane Ross

All the sound notification boxes are checked in my Entourage preferences, but
when I click on the speaker, no sound plays. Nor am I getting any sound
notifications. How do I fix this?

Asked and answered many times. Please use Search before posting a question.

Diane Ross

I searched under "alert sounds", "sounds in Entourage" and finally "Entourage
sounds." Only on the last search did I find ANY results, all of which were

Using one term like "sounds" might find better results. Right now the
Mactopia interface is new and bugs are being ironed out like searching.
The only article I have seen on this, which I believe was posted by
Michael Bintener above, indicates that the only solution I've seen (turning
off three of the other notification sounds) actually works initially, but then
fails. (And I tried it myself, and it failed to solve the problem.) The link
that I think was posted above does not work. Either the Search function is not
as good as you think it is, or you could be more helpful and post a link that
you think might be helpful. Snippy responses aren't. Not all of us are tech
wizards, and some of us are brand new to Mac.

Whether you are a Mac or PC user, it's common to search first. This
questions has been asked so many times, we've gotten shell shocked answering
it over and over. Add to that, we aren't seeing replies to messages and
using this newsgroup has been very difficult. Then add to that the
extraordinary number of messages coming from new Office 2008 users. Sorry if
my nerves are a bit frayed around the edges.

First welcome to the Mac. I have a few tips posted to help new users here:


This blog article might give you a bit more insight into the sounds problem:

Alert sounds in Entourage 2008 break on Leopard (The Entourage Help Blog)

This is a long link, so be sure you remove any extra spaces.

Another option is custom sounds. See this page for using custom sounds with
Entourage. You can even create your own sounds or use computer voices to
announce your mail. For example, you could have the AppleScript say ³Mail
from Dad².

Rule to Play Sound



Diane--Thanks for this response. The link to the New Mac User page is great, and I have bookmarked it for future reference. The link to the broken sounds page works only if I click it from your email; it's the same one that Michael Bintener posted above, and from the Entourage Forum page, it doesn't work for soem reason. Anyway, that's the article I had seen before, and tried the suggested solution--which, as the author points out, doesn't actually solve the problem long term. And I'm afraid it's not a big enough problem for me to try to deal with all the custom sounds issue! :)

I guess we can all just hope that the folks at MS fix this issue.


Diane Ross

Diane--Thanks for this response. The link to the New Mac User page is great,
and I have bookmarked it for future reference. The link to the broken sounds
page works only if I click it from your email; it's the same one that Michael
Bintener posted above, and from the Entourage Forum page, it doesn't work for
soem reason.

It's a line wrapping issue. Once a space gets inserted you have to remove
the space to get it to work. Try copying the URL into a text document or
email and remove the space.
I guess we can all just hope that the folks at MS fix this issue.

Problems that involve Leopard are going to require that end be fixed also.

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