Entourage spinning wheel Exchange Server



When I open entourage to connect to exchange, entourage seems to try
to constantly synchronize, and I see a spinning wheel (Hourgalss).
System becomes so slow it is unusable.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

When I open entourage to connect to exchange, entourage seems to try
to constantly synchronize, and I see a spinning wheel (Hourgalss).
System becomes so slow it is unusable.

How big is your Exchange account?? Do you have any of the e-mails in a
What version of Entouraeg are you using??


William Smith

When I open entourage to connect to exchange, entourage seems to try
to constantly synchronize, and I see a spinning wheel (Hourgalss).
System becomes so slow it is unusable.

Are you connecting using your Outlook Web Access (OWA) address instead
of an internal Exchange Server address? If so, try using the address of
your internal Exchange Server.

Hope this helps! bill


Are you connecting using your Outlook Web Access (OWA) address instead
of an internal Exchange Server address? If so, try using the address of
your internal Exchange Server.

Hope this helps! bill


Thanks for your response - no I am not connecting using the OWA
address - we use the public address of the exchange server - this is a
remote connection and not a local LAN connection.



William Smith


Thanks for your response - no I am not connecting using the OWA
address - we use the public address of the exchange server - this is a
remote connection and not a local LAN connection.

Hi Piers!

This will require a little troubleshooting. If you have a laptop or are
using a laptop I suggest you test the same setup outside your company's
network. A free wireless hotspot would be ideal.

If you continue having the slowness issue then your Exchange Server
provider is most likely the problem. If not, then your company's
connection to the Internet is the problem

Hope this helps! bill

Armon Bar-Tur

I have the same problem. Using a 3rd party hosted exchange service. The
computer becomes unusable every time its syncs. There must be some fix for
this. I would guess that the problem arises with the system trying to sync
all emails (sent & received) versus just downloading the most recent.


William Smith

Armon Bar-Tur said:
I have the same problem. Using a 3rd party hosted exchange service. The
computer becomes unusable every time its syncs. There must be some fix for
this. I would guess that the problem arises with the system trying to sync
all emails (sent & received) versus just downloading the most recent.

Hi Armon!

Have you tried troubleshooting using the method I posted below?
Including your "me too" is fine but you'll also need to test your
situation too. In many cases the problem may not lie Entourage and

Hope this helps! bill

Armon Bar-Tur

My main use of Entourage is on a desktop which has always had the problem,
but the laptop is also relatively slow as well.


William Smith

Armon Bar-Tur said:
My main use of Entourage is on a desktop which has always had the problem,
but the laptop is also relatively slow as well.

Hi Armon!

I'll assume you've tested your laptop inside and outside (at home or a
coffee shop) your company network. Therefore, the problem is probably
with your Exchange Server provider and not Entourage.


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