Entourage Sync with Palm Zire 72


Bob Carstens

Does anyone know how to sync a Palm Zire 72 with Entourage 2004 (11.4.0)
Address Book and Calendar?

Mac OS 10.4.11

Mickey Stevens

Use Mac OS X's Sync Services. Enable Palm sycing using the iSync
application and Enable Entourage syncing in its preferences.

There's also another option for Entourage 2004 users that I use. Entourage
includes a Handheld Synchronization conduit for synchronizing tasks, notes,
calendar events, and contacts between Entourage and Palm brand devices
(including Palm brand smartphones running Palm OS). The conduit is
compatible with the free HotSync Manager included with Palm devices.

After installing Entourage 2004, go to /Applications/Microsoft Office
2004/Additional Tools/, and launch the Handheld Sync Installer. That will
install the Handheld Synchronzation software.

You can then edit settings following these instructions:
1. Launch the HotSync Manager application (usually located in
2. Under the HotSync menu, choose Conduit Settings.
3. Double-click the "Entourage Conduit" entry.

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