Entourage system sounds loud/distorted



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: imap

When I activated Entourage today, the tones and alerts sounds are extremely loud and garbled. This does not appear to be a problem with my system since audio output of other programs (such as iTunes) is correct. Any ideas?

Diane Ross

When I activated Entourage today, the tones and alerts sounds are extremely
loud and garbled. This does not appear to be a problem with my system since
audio output of other programs (such as iTunes) is correct. Any ideas?

Strange problem....

First test in a new Identity to see if the problem goes away. Under
Entourage in the Menu bar, select "Switch Identity". You can probaly test
this issue without entering your account info, but if you do, be sure to set
under the Options tab to "leave on server".

If the problem still exists in the new Identity, you need to test in a new

Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the
New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test Entourage as
listed above.

If the problem goes away then it's a problem in your User's folder.

Troubleshooting Your User Account for a Problem


If the problem remains, it's a system wide issue. Run the combo updater and
if the problem remains you'll need to do a re-install of Office.

Steps to re-install Office


Let me know what you find.

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