Entourage turns system volume off during startup


Ming Hsu

I am encountering the following issue on Entourage 2008 v. 12.1.5 on
Leopard 10.5.5 and 10.5.6. When I start Entourage, it would silence the
system volume. This would be a minor inconvenience since I have it open
almost always, except it seems to also be related to the notification sounds
not working.

I have had the notification sound set break before, and I've been able to
fix them with the usual methods. This time however nothing seems to work.
There is no sound even when I click on the sound icon.

Any idea what's causing this? Thanks in advance.


Diane Ross

Ming Hsu said:
I have had the notification sound set break before, and I've been able to
fix them with the usual methods. This time however nothing seems to work.
There is no sound even when I click on the sound icon.

First check Entourage --> Preferences "Notification". Make sure that the
appropriate sounds are checked. Click the speaker icon next to them to test
your sound setup .If you can hear sounds from other applications, but not
the Entourage sounds have a look at this Apple Knowledge Base article.


An application may have set your audio output settings too high. If that
fails and you have GarageBand, try opening and closing it.

Entourage sound problems were fixed in the first update.

Ming Hsu

Thanks for the suggestion. I cannot hear the sound when I click on the
speaker icons. I looked in Audio MIDI Setup and the setting is correctly at
44100.0 Hz.

I also realized that the system volume turning off is actually caused by
Entourage crashing CoreAudio. Here is the system log message:
Jan 2 04:02:39 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.audio.coreaudiod[1199]):
Exited abnormally: Bus error

Here is a snippet of the CoreAudio crash log. Is this a reoccurrence of the
EXC_BAD_ACCESS bug that has been crashing Office 2008 apps? All office apps
work fine except for the sound issue.
Process: coreaudiod [1199]
Path: /usr/sbin/coreaudiod
Identifier: coreaudiod
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]

Date/Time: 2009-01-02 04:02:37.317 -0600
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: 0x000000000000000a, 0x00000000002e6000
Crashed Thread: 0

Diane Ross

Ming Hsu said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I cannot hear the sound when I click on the
speaker icons. I looked in Audio MIDI Setup and the setting is correctly at
44100.0 Hz.

Check in System Preferences --> Sound

Do you get sounds in other applications?
I also realized that the system volume turning off is actually caused by
Entourage crashing CoreAudio. Here is the system log message:

Try downloading the Apple combo updater and see if that clears up the

Mac OS X 10.5.6 Combo Update
(For both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs )

Ming Hsu

I take it this is another way of saying there is no known solution for this.
I already stated that I'm running Leopard 10.5.6 in the original email so
upgrading isn't going to help.

Sound works perfectly everywhere. CoreAudio restarts so it's just a matter
of turning up the sound volume after starting Entourage.

Thanks anyway.

Ed Kimball

I take it this is another way of saying there is no known solution for this.
I already stated that I'm running Leopard 10.5.6 in the original email so
upgrading isn't going to help.

Sound works perfectly everywhere. CoreAudio restarts so it's just a matter
of turning up the sound volume after starting Entourage.

Thanks anyway.

It is possible that the combo updater will fix problems that installing
using System Update will not fix.

Diane Ross

Ming Hsu said:
I take it this is another way of saying there is no known solution for this.
I already stated that I'm running Leopard 10.5.6 in the original email so
upgrading isn't going to help.

Running the combo is useful in repairing files already installed. Running
the combo updater overwrites potentially problem-causing files.

You indicate there is no known solution...well the fix is working for
everyone else that was caused by Entourage. I suggest it's something
specific to your system or settings.

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