Entourage will not send mail with compressed files attached



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel
Email Client: pop

I am trying to email an attached NUMBERS (iWork) file, I attach the file, select the encoding, and agree to have the file compressed (ZIP), then click "Send". A pop-up tells me that the file is being encoded, disappears, but nothing happens. The e-mail is not sent, does not get shuttled to the Drafts or other files, it just sits there. Any ideas? Fixes?

Carol Leung

I cannot reproduce the problem. I tried attaching iWork files such as page,
number and keynote files to messages in pop email account. They can be
successfully encoded and sent. Can you contact me via email? I will work
with you on this issue. My email address is a-carolATmicrosoftDOTcom.

Carol Leung

Microsoft Entourage Test
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

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