Entourage with Exchange 2003


Simon Brown

Hi there, one of our clients has a Macbook pro using Office 2008. His
Entourage synchronizes with an Exchange 2003 mailbox. He is having problems
moving large emails into public folders.

For example, he will attempt to move an email with a 1.7mb PDF attached into
one of the folders, it will spring up an error saying "Microsoft Entourage
was unable to complete the request due to an error on the exchange server"

He has experienced this more when working remotely over VPN, this is the
first time it's started happening whilst working in the office cabled into
the network.

Any ideas?


Steve Rindsberg

You'll do better asking in the appropriate Public.Mac.Office newsgroup ... the
groups that don't include "Mac" in the name are mostly for Windows questions.

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