Entourage won't connect when Word is open?!



Okay, I am hoping someone can help me out here. I am at a total loss.
Originally I posted the below problem, but since have figured out WHAT
is causing the problem but not WHY! Below is the original problem,
following that is the outcome and what I need help with:

"This is something that started happening on occasion and now happens
everytime. I have a laptop that travels between home and office. The
settings for email never change. They have always worked properly.
Home and office is set up identical as far as the network. The only
difference is home is wireless and office is cabled.
At home it works great. Logs on and runs perfectly. But if I take the
computer to the office, plug in and have an internet connection. I
open entourage and it immediately tells me it cannot connect to the
server. Error code -3250.
I have tried trashing the system config files, it worked for a day and
then started doing the same thing. "

After a lot of trial and error, I have finally figured out that if I
leave Word open when I shut the computer...and I get to the office
Entourage will not work properly. If I close out of Word before
leaving...everything works perfectly.

What am I missing here? What could be the issue and any ideas on how
to fix it? Thanks!

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Eva said:
After a lot of trial and error, I have finally figured out that if I
leave Word open when I shut the computer...and I get to the office
Entourage will not work properly. If I close out of Word before
leaving...everything works perfectly.

It looks like a license control issue.
It might even be something that has been changed lately.
Can you try updating Office all the way on both machines?



It looks like a license control issue.
It might even be something that has been changed lately.
Can you try updating Office all the way on both machines?

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I am sorry, I am confused by your answer...There is only one machine.
I take the laptop from home to office. Long story short, it was always
working at home fine, but when I brought it to the office, Entourage
would not connect to server. In order to get it working again I would
have to restart. I recently figured out that when I leave home if I
close out of Word before leaving, and I get to the office Entourage
works just fine. So for some reason, Word seems to be causing an issue
with Enrourage's connection if I leave it open.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Hi Eva,
I am sorry, I am confused by your answer...There is only one machine.

I'm sorry. I was under the impression you had two Mac running Office at
the same time.
Having Word open on one Mac can trigger the license verification
mechanism and block the second Mac connected on the same LAN.
I take the laptop from home to office. Long story short, it was always
working at home fine, but when I brought it to the office, Entourage
would not connect to server. In order to get it working again I would
have to restart. I recently figured out that when I leave home if I
close out of Word before leaving, and I get to the office Entourage
works just fine. So for some reason, Word seems to be causing an issue
with Enrourage's connection if I leave it open.

It could be a DNS cache issue.
How are you connecting to the network?? DHCP using the provided DNS or
with a manually setup DNS server (like OpenDNS for instance)?

Did you check that everything was up to date BTW??
For your information, it is *not* a common issue. I'm not even sure I've
seen it before.
Not sure how Word can affect network connections since it doesn't use
the network for anything (but license checking).


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