Entourage Word 2008 Attachments Problem



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel
Email Client: Exchange

I have applied all the current patches (12.0.1 & 12.1.1) to Office 2008 to solve the problem of getting attachments from Word 2003 (PC) to open on my new Mac using Office 2008 and Entourage. They don't even open if I use File....Open as suggested in support and even spent 2 hours on phone with tech support from MS so I turned here for anyone to help/suggest something.

I can open a Word 2003 document if I create it on my PC and transfer it via USB drive and then double click or File...Open.

I CANNOT open the file if I send it through my PC to my Mac and receive it via Entourage 2008, the attachment doesn't work and gives me an error if I click 'open' or if I save it and then try and open it via File Open in Word 2008.

If I use Apple Mail, everything works great! But the whole idea is for me to use one application (entourage) for my e-mail, address book, calendar, not Apple's but if I have to I will as I told Tech support at MS....this is ridiculous!


Adam Bailey

I CANNOT open the file if I send it through my PC to my Mac and receive it
via Entourage 2008, the attachment doesn't work and gives me an error if I
click 'open' or if I save it and then try and open it via File Open in
Word 2008.

What error?


Depending upon how I try and open the file I get a different error message:

The file may be read only or your trying to access a read only location or the document may not be responding.

Another one says unable to read file

Another says file is damaged and could not be repaired

It may be corrupt or format that preview doesn't recognize

The extension on the document is ".doc" (in case you wondered).

Regardless, if I create an e-mail in Microsoft 2003 on my PC and attach a file and e-mail it to myself I can open it in outlook 2003. If I try and open the e-mail in Entourage 2008 on my new Apple it opens but I can't view the attachment. An error comes up. If I view my mail in Apple Mail, I can view the e-mail and also see the attachment. Obvisouly, Microsoft screwed something up in Entourage royally given that I can use Apple Mail but not Entourage. I really like Entourage but if I have to I'll use Apple Mail...heck, I'm forced to use Apple Mail, Apple Address book and iCal when really want to use entourage to solve all these issue....

Any help Microsoft?

Ed Kimball

Depending upon how I try and open the file I get a different error message:

The file may be read only or your trying to access a read only location or the
document may not be responding.

Another one says unable to read file

Another says file is damaged and could not be repaired

It may be corrupt or format that preview doesn't recognize

The extension on the document is ".doc" (in case you wondered).

Regardless, if I create an e-mail in Microsoft 2003 on my PC and attach a file
and e-mail it to myself I can open it in outlook 2003. If I try and open the
e-mail in Entourage 2008 on my new Apple it opens but I can't view the
attachment. An error comes up. If I view my mail in Apple Mail, I can view the
e-mail and also see the attachment. Obvisouly, Microsoft screwed something up
in Entourage royally given that I can use Apple Mail but not Entourage. I
really like Entourage but if I have to I'll use Apple Mail...heck, I'm forced
to use Apple Mail, Apple Address book and iCal when really want to use
entourage to solve all these issue....

Any help Microsoft?

Are you sure you have downloaded the entire message before you try to open
the attached file?

One of the options on each account is to partially download messages over a
certain size. If you have that Option set, then you will have to manually
download the rest of the message before opening the attachment. You should
see a link labeled "Get Entire Message" on the problem messages; click it
before trying to open the attachment. Otherwise, you will see the problems
you described.

Hope this helps.

Carol Leung

Can you send me a copy of the Word document that demonstrate this problem?
My email address is a-carolATmicrosoftDOTcom.

Carol Leung
Microsoft Entourage Test
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

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