Entourage X 10.1.6 Pop3 email sending is not working


Jeremy Henry

Exchange 2003 is fully patched and they have one entourage user that uses
pop3. She can receive fine but sending is an issue. She gets "error -3280"
when trying to send. I can send receive just fine on her account from an
outlook client. I'm requiring users authenticate to send outgoing messages
and we've configured entourage to do so. She still get the error however.
Any help,ideas,comments are greatly appreciated.

Diane Ross

Jeremy Henry said:
Exchange 2003 is fully patched and they have one entourage user that uses
pop3. She can receive fine but sending is an issue. She gets "error -3280"
when trying to send. I can send receive just fine on her account from an
outlook client. I'm requiring users authenticate to send outgoing messages
and we've configured entourage to do so. She still get the error however.
Any help,ideas,comments are greatly appreciated.

Entourage 2008 has many improvements for Exchange. I highly suggest you
update the user. Do you realize that Entourage X is not even Daylight
Savings Time compliant?

Error -3280
Could not retrieve mail from the account, a connection failure has occurred,

This error is the same as Error 16999. See this link.

Number Errors <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/error/number.html#error16999>

HOWEVER, it does not seem to fit your scenario.

Have you tried not selecting authentication?

William Smith [MVP]

Jeremy said:
Exchange 2003 is fully patched and they have one entourage user that uses
pop3. She can receive fine but sending is an issue. She gets "error -3280"
when trying to send. I can send receive just fine on her account from an
outlook client. I'm requiring users authenticate to send outgoing messages
and we've configured entourage to do so. She still get the error however.
Any help,ideas,comments are greatly appreciated.

You really should upgrade this user to Entourage 2004 or 2008. These are
Exchange clients that can take advantage of not only mail but calendar
and contacts. Entourage X 10.1.4 and higher may have been called an
Exchange client but it was really just a kludgey workaround with
severely limited functionality compared to its successors.

As Diane has stated, Entourage X is not even Daylight Saving compliant.
It was end-of-lifed in January 2007 and has not been supported by
Microsoft since then.



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>

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