Entourage X hotsync with Palm 4.2.1



I downloaded the Entourage conduit, and have successfully synced by
contacts and memos, but the hotsync manager keeps crashing on the
calendar. I've disabled all the conduits except for the Entourage
conduit and have changed the settings so only the Calendar syncs, but
it still crashes. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Ignat Solzhenitsyn

on 5/30/04 01.29, in article
(e-mail address removed), Wadlow76
I downloaded the Entourage conduit, and have successfully synced by
contacts and memos, but the hotsync manager keeps crashing on the
calendar. I've disabled all the conduits except for the Entourage
conduit and have changed the settings so only the Calendar syncs, but
it still crashes. Does anyone know how to fix this?

It has been a known issue. Calendar sync crashes when you have recurring
events that have no end date. It¹s a major hassle, but fix this by manually
changing all recurring events to have some kind of end date (example: your
wife¹s birthday ­ instead of having it recur every year for evermore, change
it to stop recurring after the year 2031, which I believe is for some reason
the outer reach of what the Palm OS can handle), rather than no end date at

To test this, first create a new identity in Entourage and fool around with
a new calendar event, set up one way and then another. Once you are
satisfied that this is repeatable (does crash when no end date; does NOT
when there IS an end date), then manually change your existing events in
your good identity and ³overwrite² sync (thereafter normal sync will be ok).

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