i wish to deposit certain values in certain controls, basically this is a
form where a refund value is to be split up into its indivudal numbers (which
ive already got) and converted to english (which ive already done) and then
deposited into certain boxes, so that units are stored in the me![units],
tens in me![tens], hundreds in me![hundreds] etc.
I was looking to make a loop that stripped off the last number of the refund
value and deposited into the next box.
i am trying to use an array of controls to store the sequence of the
controls that i will need and then use the loop to move through this array
Ive got something like this
Dim box As Integer
Dim boxNames(units, tens, Ctl100s, Ctl1000s) As Control
box = 0
'while there are still numbers left in the value
Do While Numbersize > 0
For box= 0 to boxname.length
'find the value of the last number
boxname(box) = ConvertDigit (Right(MyNumber))
'chop of that last number
MyNumber = Mid(MyNumber, 0, Numbersize - 1)
Next boxname
how do i form an array of controls as i need or this to work? it wont run
past that line of code!
with much appreciation for any help
form where a refund value is to be split up into its indivudal numbers (which
ive already got) and converted to english (which ive already done) and then
deposited into certain boxes, so that units are stored in the me![units],
tens in me![tens], hundreds in me![hundreds] etc.
I was looking to make a loop that stripped off the last number of the refund
value and deposited into the next box.
i am trying to use an array of controls to store the sequence of the
controls that i will need and then use the loop to move through this array
Ive got something like this
Dim box As Integer
Dim boxNames(units, tens, Ctl100s, Ctl1000s) As Control
box = 0
'while there are still numbers left in the value
Do While Numbersize > 0
For box= 0 to boxname.length
'find the value of the last number
boxname(box) = ConvertDigit (Right(MyNumber))
'chop of that last number
MyNumber = Mid(MyNumber, 0, Numbersize - 1)
Next boxname
how do i form an array of controls as i need or this to work? it wont run
past that line of code!
with much appreciation for any help