If you start off with a blank page, then form the Envelopes and Labels
dialog, select the type of envelope that you want to use and then click on
add to document. Now, click on the ¶ button on the toolbar to show the
section break that will appear on the envelop and switch to normal view.
Then select everything down to and including the section break and copy and
paste it as many times as necessary before the final ¶ in the document.
Use File>Page layout to change the dimensions of the last page in the
document to be the same as the envelopes and then select the last section
break and the following ¶ and then press the delete button.
Switch to Print Layout View and you should now see a whole series of
envelopes. Insert each mergefield that contains address details into the
Address Frame on each envelope.
Note, if not all of the mergefields contain data, you will get blank
envelopes. If you wanted to overcome this issue, you could use an
If...then...Else field to insert some unique identified in place of the
mergefield in each envelope if the mergefield was empty and then after
executing the merge to a new document, you could run a macro that deleted
from the document each section that contained that unique identifier.
I think the above will do what you want.
Hope this helps.
Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.
Doug Robbins - Word MVP