Envelope printing - can't lick the problem



Sorry to bring this one up again, but... wondering if any OS X users
have made progress getting HP LaserJet 1200s to print envelopes. I've
Goooooogled and read and tested and Gimped and tried just about
everything. The only fix that seems to work is to use my old Win98
notebook when I need to fire off a #10.

I'm relatively new to the Mac community, have suffered a rash of
incompatibilities (flaky Java applets, that sort of thing) but this
envelope craziness really takes the cake.

Anyhow, would welcome your advice.



Hi Beth,

Thanks so much for replying to my post. Yes, I'm about 99.999 percent
sure that I did set "Format for" to "Any Printer." But, in the name of
sanity and science, when I next have a free moment I'll give it another

My workaround for the moment involves using Word's nicely implemented
merge capabilities. I created a table, made it look like an envelope,
rotated the text, positioned it for my LaserJet 1200's envelope feed...
and whadya know, I'm in business. It functions essentially the same way
the envelope tool would, and gives a bit more formatting flexibility.

Again, thanks for taking the time to respond,

George Shea

Sorry to bring this one up again, but... wondering if any OS X users
have made progress getting HP LaserJet 1200s to print envelopes.

I'm having the same problem with the LaserJet 1300--the return address
appears about two inches too low on the #10 envelope and the recipient's
address doesn't even appear. I'll echo the plea for help.
