EPM 2007: make view with 'null' filter


Johan Caljé


I'm exploring EPM 2007 for doing a migration from EPM 2003. I'm exploring
the possibilities and one thing I want to do want is to create a PWA view,
where I want to limit only those projects which have a value in a custom
list. I tried things like this:

fieldname does not contain ""
fieldname does not contain ''
fieldname does not contain null
fieldname does not contain no value

But this seems not to work. Does someone know there exists a list with
expressions wich can be entered in the calue field of a filter?


Hi all,

I've been asked by some project leaders to create a new view for PWA Resource Center.

Issue: they want a standard filter so that all resources with no value in the "RBS"-field are filtered out. As RBS uses a lookup table each try with the filter (NULL, NV, "", " ", ...) gives me the same error message: "Value is not in the lookup table".

So, could anyone tell me the correct syntax to use in the "Value-Field" of the filter? All help would be appreciated as I promised to deliver the view. Couldn't know there would be such a problem with a standard query.

System: P12, all patches applied

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