EPM File Permissions



Within EPM, I have instances where a project file does not have me assigned
as a resource, yet I can still open the file read/write.

When the originator of the project file created the file, I believe he/she
assigned me as a co-owner (for lack of a better term)

1. Does EPM allow this?
2. If so, how is this done?


Mike Chrepta
(e-mail address removed)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mike --

If your organization still has the default permissions set in Project Server
2007, then the permissions in the My Projects category might explain this.
In the Projects section of the My Projects category, the default permissions

The user is the Project Owner or the User is the Status Manager on
assignments within that project
The User is on that project’s Project Team
The resource on the project’s Project Team is a descendant of the User via

-- The first permission allows you to see and open projects you manage.
-- The second permission allows you to see and open projects in which you
are a team member. This can sometimes be problematic.
-- The third permission allows you to see and open projects in which a
resource below you in the RBS tree is assigned as a team member.

Does the third permission explain what you are seeing? Let us know.


Thanks Dale,

Sorry, but I forgot to mention that we're using MS Project/EPM 2003.

How will that differ from 2007?


Mike Chrepta

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mike --

If you open the My Projects category for editing in Project Server 2003, you
will see permissions in the Projects section that are nearly identical to
those in Project Server 2007. Therefore, my original answer should address
your issue. Hope this helps.

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