Equation Editor - Can't Consistently Edit Equations



I am an experienced user of Equation Editor in Word 2003 SP2. I am using
Windows XP SP2. My problem is that I can create equations in my document but
I cannot change the font type or size. I know how to do it, but when I go
into the style or size menus nothing happens. I cannot move the checkmark
from the default selection. I tried reinstalling Equation Editor, but that
didn't help.

Bob Mathews


I followed your post until you said you couldn't "move the checkmark".
To change the font type or size, you don't need to move the checkmark;
you need to click on Define in both menus to change it. Is this what
you're doing, and still can't change it?


Bob Mathews
Director of Training
Design Science, Inc.
bobm at dessci.com
FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType
MathType, WebEQ, MathPlayer, MathFlow, Equation Editor, TeXaide


It is actually a little stranger than that. Generally when I go into an
equation and want to change the style I do not get to the options in the
define box. Selecting define does nothing in that case. I also cannot just
highlight the part of the equation that I want to change and apply one of the
preset formats to it. Last week I reinstalled the product and it worked for
about a day before reverting to not working. Inevitably since I posted my
question it is working. For how long, I can't predict. I don't know if
something in my system is causing a conflict or what.

Bob Mathews

Dave, thanks for the update. Unfortunately I don't know what would be
causing those problems. If it happens again, you might consider
downloading the MathType eval. After the eval period, it'll still work
in MathType Lite mode, which is basically "Equation Editor +".

Bob Mathews
Director of Training
Design Science, Inc.
bobm at dessci.com
FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType
MathType, WebEQ, MathPlayer, MathFlow, Equation Editor, TeXaide


Thanks Bob. I guess it is ime to move on to Math Type. I had the eval
version on my last machine but hadn't gotten around to reinstalling it on my
current machine.
Thanks again,

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