Equation editor causes switch to draft view



This looks similar to a problem reported in September, 2007: search for
"equation draft" without the quotes, and it's the one called "Equation Editor
error." This post reports a different way of causing the unwanted switch to
draft view.

Enter an equation: x=a+b. Hit enter (or shift-enter - it doesn't matter).
Enter the next equation: =c+d. Select both equations, right-click, select
"Align on =".

The equations should be aligned on =. Now try to insert another equation
between the first two. To start, position the cursor at the end of the first
equation, and hit shift-enter...

Voila - instant draft view. You can't get back to print layout view unless
(1) you remove the offending shift-enter, or (2), you insert something into
the blank line between the equations (simple text will do: type 'abc' and you
can return to print layout view, but as soon as you remove the text, Word
will jump back to draft view).

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