How can I change the font color of equation produced by Equation
BTW, it is very interesting that Equation Editor links to the MathType
6 website. MathType 6 is not yet available for the Mac. The current
version of MathType for the Mac needs VisualBasic.
Maybe I should go back to Powerpoint 2004. It is slightly more stable
than 2008, the speed bump for 2008 in the Intel chip is not
noticeable, and I can use the current version of MathType.
BTW, it is very interesting that Equation Editor links to the MathType
6 website. MathType 6 is not yet available for the Mac. The current
version of MathType for the Mac needs VisualBasic.
Maybe I should go back to Powerpoint 2004. It is slightly more stable
than 2008, the speed bump for 2008 in the Intel chip is not
noticeable, and I can use the current version of MathType.