equation editor overtyping text


Math Man

After an office update, I find that Equation Editor now inserts equations on
top of text at the beginning of a line, rather than in place (that it, it
overtypes text at the start of the line).
It also appears that the equation object is now being displayed by Word as a
drawing object, as there are the "handles/circles" at the corners/sides of
the equation object for stretching...which of course I don't want or need.

I'd be grateful for any suggestions on how to regain in-line, in-place
equation insertion.

Bob Mathews

After an office update, I find that Equation Editor now
inserts equations on top of text at the beginning of a line,
rather than in place (that it, it overtypes text at the start
of the line).

You didn't say which version of Word you're using, and that's a
critical piece of the equation. Here's one thing to check though
-- in Word, click on Tools > Options. On the Edit tab, about
halfway down the dialog, if there's an item that says
"Insert/paste pictures as:", make sure the dropdown box is set to
"In line with text".

If that doesn't solve the problem (or if your Options dialog
doesn't have that option), please write back, and be as specific
as you can WRT your configuration and exactly how the problem
occurs (i.e., what you're clicking on, pasting, etc.).

Bob Mathews
Director of Training
Design Science, Inc.
bobm at dessci.com
FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType 5
MathType, WebEQ, MathPlayer, MathFlow, Equation Editor, TeXaide

Math Man

Thanks! That was it exactly. (for the record Word 2003...sorry I neglected
to include that in my original post)

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