Equation Numbering


Michael Kipper

Hi all,

Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I could not find it by
searching through the group.

I am writing an engineering thesis paper, and would like to use Microsoft
Word to write it instead of LaTeX. The problem I'm having is with equation
numbering. I would like to be able to produce something like:

Using blah's equation:
f(x) = x + y / 2 * blah (2.3)
We can integrate and get
df(x) = blah blah (2.4)
So from (2.3) we can see that blah's ....

I've gotten the numbering to work using { SEQ EquationSection }.{ SEQ
EquationNumber } and resetting EquationSection at the beginning of each
section (which I think is a hack; let me know if there's a better solution)
but I want to be able to reference that number in the text (i.e. saying {
REF ThatEquation } ), so I can add equations later and preserve the
integrity of the report.

Please help!

Michael Kipper

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