Equation objects are grayed




I have installed Word 2002 on Windows 2000 SP4 and things went OK.
Somehow in a few days all equation editor objects got a gray background,
so my document is now all gray sqares. In the print preview the document
is still OK. I have allmost no free disk space, but Word didn't comlain.
The equation's color in the Format Object dialog is set to the default of
No Fill.

Can you tell me what happend and how could I get the equations white again ?

Thank you
Timothy Madden

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The equation object is a field. If you press Alt+F9, you will see something
like { EMBED Equation.3 }. You can remove the shading by setting field
shading (Tools | Options | View) to "Never" or "When selected." If you're
not seeing the equation itself, it may be that you have "Picture
placeholders" enabled (Tools | Options | View) or "Drawings" not set to
display. The former setting applies to inline graphics, the latter to
wrapped graphics.


Same thing
Someone help I can't post like this on WebCT as doc.
without fixing background -'fill white'

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