T Pallotto
We're having a problem with equation objects in a large
manual automatically converting to picture objects and
losing the ability to edit the original equation. This
document was started under Office 98 and we're currently
using Word 2002. This first happened when we upgraded to
2002 and we had to recreate all the equations. We
thought it must have been a result of the upgrade but it
continues to happen to equations created in 2002. Is
there a setting option we're missing that's causing this
to happen. Any help is appreciated.
manual automatically converting to picture objects and
losing the ability to edit the original equation. This
document was started under Office 98 and we're currently
using Word 2002. This first happened when we upgraded to
2002 and we had to recreate all the equations. We
thought it must have been a result of the upgrade but it
continues to happen to equations created in 2002. Is
there a setting option we're missing that's causing this
to happen. Any help is appreciated.