


How do you write equations in OneNote if you do not have a tablet pc. I am
used to doing it in Word where I use equation editor, but I can't find
Equation Editor in OneNote.


As best I can make out, you can't use equation editor, because OneNote
doesn't support object linking and embedding--you can't insert MS Draw
objects or spreadsheets or equations or anything as objects, only as pictures.

You can insert the equation into a Word document, copy it to the clipboard,
and paste it into ON, but it gets pasted as a picture, which means that if
you ever want to change it you have to start from scratch. If you have
MathType (equation editor is a watered down version of MathType) it will run
standalone, so you can enter an equation into MathType, copy it, and paste it
into ON, but it's still a picture.

I hope I'm missing something and that somebody who knows more about it than
I do will tell me I'm wrong. If I'm right, I hope MS will think about
supporting OLE in the next version of ON.



Just an alternative. Not necessarily better.

Search for EQNEDT32.EXE on your machine.
Just run that and use the equation editor. No need to use word.

Quick and easy.

Can't change the equation back if needed. After pasting to OneNote,
its a picture.

I have it at: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Equation

- A
Disclaimer: The content of this message reflects my personal opinion.
Please disregard this suggestion if you don't like it.


Just run that and use the equation editor.<<

Cool. I didn't know you could do that.


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