Equipment checkout calendar



I'm trying to set up a spreadsheet that tracks equipment being checked out,
and how much is left on a given day. I was planning to do a sheet with a
calendar - months across the top, dates 1-31 down the side. On the second
sheet, I have a info about who is checking out what on what date. I thought
I could reference the date on this list, and have it show up in the proper
cell on the calendar page. The person in charge of the equipment would just
enter the info about when stuff is being checked out, and then could look at
the calendar to see which dates still have equipment available. I don't know
how to do this - use julian dates? I have barely begun this project, so if
anyone knows of a better layout idea, I"m open to that, too.



Conditional formating may help. You can use a fomula that checks total items
checked out on sheet 2. If the total is not zero highlight the calendar in
red indicating items are still checked out. Set the color green is the total
is zero.


I think I see how conditional formatting works - but how do I link the dates?
I think I may have been unclear. Instead of saying people are checking out
equipment, let me say they are reserving equipment. ie Chantel wants to
reserve 4 mannequins on 6/23/07. How do I take that, and have it show up on
the calendar sheet, that 4 mannequins are reserved, and x are left available?



You could use a =if(countif(sheet2!$B$1:$B$100,"=B1") >0,,) as the
conditional formating

Your calendar could contain the actual dates

1 3/1/07 3/3/07 3/4/07

2 3/8/07 3/9/07 3/10/07

3 3/15/07 3/16/07 3/17/07

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