Pity they don't allow HTML:
Navigating in Excel
Switch between Worksheets fn-CTRL-PageUp/fn-CTRL-PageDown
Switch between Workbooks fn-`
Select entire worksheet Cmd+A
Move to the beginning of the line. fn+left arrow(home)
Go To fn + F5
Move a Sheet/Copy a Sheet Alt-E-M
Change Zoom Sizing Alt-V-Z
Entering and editing data
Complete a cell entry and select...
Delete cell and then get inside the cell DELETE
Delete cell/selection. fn+DELETE
Edit inside a cell (edit cell mode) CTRL+U
Once inside edit cell mode (F2)...
....Start a new line in the same cell. OPTION+CMD+ENTER
....Delete the preceding character. DELETE
....Delete the character to the right of the insertion fn + DELETE
Spell Check. fn + F7
Insert a comment. fn+SHIFT+ F2
Undo the last action. cmd+z
Redo the last action. cmd + y
Selecting, grouping, inserting, and deleting cell
Ungroup Rows or Columns SHIFT+ALT+LEFT ARROW KEY
Clear the contents of the selected cells. DELETE
Delete the selected cells. CTRL+MINUS SIGN SAME
Insert blank cells. CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN SAME
Copying and Pasting Shortcut
Copy, then Paste Special Formats Alt-E+S+T
Copy, then Paste Special Formulas Alt-E+S+F
Formatting Data Shortcut Example
Display the Style dialog box. CMD+SHIFT+L
Display the Format Cells dialog box. CMD+1
CTRL+SHIFT+! 1,254.34
Currency format: 2 decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses): CTRL+SHIFT+$ $1,254.34
Percentage format with no decimal places. CTRL+SHIFT+% 125434%
Exponential number format with two decimal places. CTRL+SHIFT+^ 1.25E+03
Boldface CMD+B
Italicize CMD+I
Underline CMD+U
Strikethrough CMD+SHIFT+_
Apply the outline border to the selected cells. CMD+Option+Arrow Key
Remove the outline border from the selected cells. CMD+Option+Arrow Key
Enter and calculate formulas Shortcut Example
Start a formula. = (equal sign) =F45*G12
In a formula, display the Insert Function dialog box. fn+SHIFT + F3
Recalculate all worksheets in all open workbooks. F9
Anchoring "Fixing" Cells F4 - must be in edit cell mode (CTRL+U) =$F$4*G125
Go to precedent cell(s) CTRL-[
Naming cells, Hyperlinks, inserting time and dat
Name a cell. fn+CMD+F3
Display a drop-down list of the values in the current cALT+DOWN ARROW