Erase Value for Radio Button



Please be warned that I am a Newbie.

I have two questions that are set up as radio buttons. When I answer one of
them as Yes, the second question appears. Let's say I answer the second
question and then go back to the first question and change the value to
No.I have it set up so that the second question disappears because the new
answer to the first question is No. I also want it to remove the answer for
the second question.

My form does not feed to an Excel spreadsheet or to a database.

I have tried several things to get this to work. Here are a few.
1. I opened the properties for the first qestion field and I opened the
rules dialog. I added a new action to the rule that runs when the user
selects "No" to the first question. I set the new action to "Set a field's
value", selected the field for question 2 and left the second box blank
before committing my changes. Outcome: Changing the value for the first
question did not erase all values for the second question. Instead, it made
the answer No to the second question.
2. I repeated the same steps in attempt one, but instead of leaving the
second box blank, I put the word blank in the field. Outcome: The same as
attempt one.
3. I repeated the same steps in attempt one, but instead of leaving the
second box blank, I put the phrase string.Empty. Outcome: The same as
attempt one.

Please be aware that I have no experience with the Script Editor. I figure
I can probably do something with the event handler using the Script Editor,
but I am at a loss.

Any advice?



Follow below steps to erase the previously entered value.
1. Open form in design mode.
2. Open rules of radio button and click on Add.
3. Click on Add Action. So that rule applys always.
4. Click on Set a field's value from the 1st drop down.
5. Select field from the 2nd drop down for which you want to erase the value
which was previously entered, by clicking on button available at right side
of the field.
6. Click on Ok button.(No selection for 3rd field. So that it will give
empty value)
Hope this helps.

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