Err.Description vs AccessError()


Daniel P


Could someone illuminate me on the difference between these two functions and which should be used to display error messages to the user

Also, I saw in another post the Error$() function and have no help information on it...what is it all about



Allen Browne

AccessError() shows you what the generic message is for a particular error
number. You can use this even when there has been no error.

Err.Description contains information about the error that occured. It may be
more specific than the generic message. For example, the generic message may
contain a pipe character as the place holder for a field name, whereas
Err.Description gives you the actual name of the field that generated your

Error$ is a very out-of-date equivalent, dating from the days of Access
version 1 and 2. It works, but is there just for backward compatibility.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Daniel P said:
Could someone illuminate me on the difference between these two functions
and which should be used to display error messages to the user.
Also, I saw in another post the Error$() function and have no help
information on it...what is it all about?

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