erratic response while working on a table in excel linked to a tab


S K Srivastava

1. I find PivotTable very useful and use it quite often even in Access to
get the desired reports.
2. Till Access 2000 there was a way to create a form with embedded Pivot
Table. But it was discontinued in access 2003. It had (if I can recall
correctly) pivot form. Which was similar yet different from the embedded
PivotTable of Access 2000?
3. But fortunately the Forms with embedded PivotTable created in earlier
version worked well in Access 2003. So there was not much problem. The only
problem was that no new such forms could be created.
4. The problem remained in Access 2007 also. Here also no new form with
embedded PivotTable can be created but work well if created in earlier
version. But problem comes when new form with embedded PivotTable is needed.
5. As a roundabout way I created a separate excel sheet, imported the table
through a link and made a PivotTable out of it.
6. Now here again there are two ways of linking. One by choosing “From
Access†option and other by choosing “From Microsoft queryâ€. Both works fine
if the mdb file is not open while working on linked PivotTable. The problem
comes when the mdb file is opened. In such a case, if “From access†option is
chosen then it simply does not work. It says “the database is opened
exclusively by admin…. etcâ€. If the link is created by choosing “From
Microsoft query†then at times it works fine and at times it shows same
message ie “ the database is opened exclusively by admin…. etcâ€.
7. Now since it works sometimes in the second option I feel technically it
is not necessary to have the linked mdb closed while working in the
PivotTable. So it is definitely a bug.
8. This opinion is strengthened because of its erratic behavior when the
second option is chosen.
9. On internet I find similar experience of few others also so it is not a
machine specific problem.

So the bug is the erratic response while working on a table in excel linked
to a table in Access while the containing mdb file is open.

In addition to this I would seek help from all people more intelligent to
me to kindly show me some way to create a form with embedded PivotTable in
Access2007. This is needed a it is slightly inconvenient to carry two files
ie one mdb and other xls as if moved to other computer every time the links
have to be recreated.

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