erratic submission of forms data by email



Can anyone help me figure out this problem. On my website I have a page
with two forms. The user is supposed to fill out Form 1 and submit it
then fill out Form 2 and submit it. The data is then supposed to be
emailed to my email address.

Now, until the past week, I have always received both forms when
submitted by users. But in the past week, three different users tell me
they have completed both forms, submitted both forms, but I have
received only the data from Form 1. The data from Form 2 never arrived.

I have done nothing to change my forms in over one year, so nothing I
did would have caused this to happen.

Interestingly, when I test the forms myself, I always receive the data
from both forms. When I asked a few friends to test the forms on their
computers, I receive the data from both forms. Strangely, Even while
this is going on, I have had two other users successfully complete and
submit data from both forms to me successfully.

So, why would three different users (unrelated to each other) in the
space of one week tell me they submitted both forms and yet I only
received the data from Form 1

If you would like to see my forms, go to

Thank you very much for any suggestions you may have. I am at a loss.
this erratic receiving of form date is driving me crazy.


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