Erroneous Calendar


David F-H

Project Server 2007 SP1 / SQL Server 2005 SP3

One of our users has complained that every time he opens a specific project,
he gets the following error message :

The enterprise global already contains a calendar named "standard1
Do you want to replace the calendar with the one from the enterprise global,
replace all items with duplicate names, rename the calendar in the project,
or cancel opening the project?

He chooses the "replace all" option and saves, but gets the error message
again the next time he opens it. He has also tried clearing the cache. When
I open the plan, I do not get the error, however I have had this error on
occasion in the past. When I open his plan and look at the Resource Sheet, I
can see 2 enterprise resources that have a base calendar of "Standard1".
However, no such calendar exists in our Project Server. When I edit these
two resources from the Resource Center, they have "Standard" assigned as the
base calendar.

Can someone please shed some light on this problem.


Gary Chefetz


It sounds like the extra calendar is in the project plan file itself. Next
time, open the file and choose to rename the object, then give it a name
like XXXXX, so you can easily spot it. Next, open the organizer and go to
the calendars tab and locate the offending XXXXX calendar and delete it.

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