Error 0xc0150002 on Word Startup, even with WinXP SP2



I have an upgrade installation of Windows XP Professional, reinstalled
with the original XP install CD on a virus-trashed system. The system
now has A-V and is free of viruses. I am, of course, reinstalling all
programs. But because it waas an upgrade or reinstallation, the files
were kept.

I installed Office 2003, and get this message on starting Word and
PowerPoint. Excel and Outlook are OK.

"The application failed to initialize properly" (0xc0150002)"

I found instructions on MS to install Win XP SP1a to fix it. Somewhere
else it also also says that Win XP SP2 incorporates SP1a. So I
installed SP2, rebooted and still have the problem.

What next? Do a "format c:" install of Win XP Pro? I sure hope not?!

Thanks. --David Lewis

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