Tony James
Code that worked perfectly in Excel 97 is giving a run-time error
'1004': Application-defined or object-defined error in Excel 2003.
The error occurs on the following line in the code sample below.
Set rng = sceWB.Worksheets(ws.Name).Range(strNameAddress)
Function SearchOrderNum(OrderNum as String, DateStart as Date, DateEnd
as Date, resultsArray() As TimeUDT) As Boolean
Dim sceWB As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strNameAddress as String
Dim rng As Range
Dim result As Range
Set sceWB = ThisWorkbook
For Each ws In sceWB.Worksheets
strNameAddress = ""
'set up multiple range for Find method, using named ranges with
offsets to Order No. column
For n = 1 To sceWB.Names.Count
If ws.Name = sceWB.Names(n).RefersToRange.Worksheet.Name Then
strNameAddress = strNameAddress &
sceWB.Names(n).RefersToRange.Offset(0, -4).Address & ","
End If
strNameAddress = Left(strNameAddress, Len(strNameAddress) - 1)
'strip last comma
If strNameAddress <> "" Then
Set rng = sceWB.Worksheets(ws.Name).Range(strNameAddress)
With rng
Set result = .Find(OrderNum, LookIn:=xlValues)
The inner For loop sets up a string of columns to use in the Find
For the first worksheet, strNameAddress is a string of 261 characters,
ie "$A:$A,$G:$G,$M:$M,$S:$S,$Y:$Y,$AE:$AE ......$GQ:$GQ".
I don't know if the error is caused by the length of the string, but
does anyone know how to solve this problem? Is there any reason why
it should work in Excel 97 but not 2003? Also I am open to
suggestions about any other ways to set up a Range object of multiple
columns to use in the Find method.
'1004': Application-defined or object-defined error in Excel 2003.
The error occurs on the following line in the code sample below.
Set rng = sceWB.Worksheets(ws.Name).Range(strNameAddress)
Function SearchOrderNum(OrderNum as String, DateStart as Date, DateEnd
as Date, resultsArray() As TimeUDT) As Boolean
Dim sceWB As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strNameAddress as String
Dim rng As Range
Dim result As Range
Set sceWB = ThisWorkbook
For Each ws In sceWB.Worksheets
strNameAddress = ""
'set up multiple range for Find method, using named ranges with
offsets to Order No. column
For n = 1 To sceWB.Names.Count
If ws.Name = sceWB.Names(n).RefersToRange.Worksheet.Name Then
strNameAddress = strNameAddress &
sceWB.Names(n).RefersToRange.Offset(0, -4).Address & ","
End If
strNameAddress = Left(strNameAddress, Len(strNameAddress) - 1)
'strip last comma
If strNameAddress <> "" Then
Set rng = sceWB.Worksheets(ws.Name).Range(strNameAddress)
With rng
Set result = .Find(OrderNum, LookIn:=xlValues)
The inner For loop sets up a string of columns to use in the Find
For the first worksheet, strNameAddress is a string of 261 characters,
ie "$A:$A,$G:$G,$M:$M,$S:$S,$Y:$Y,$AE:$AE ......$GQ:$GQ".
I don't know if the error is caused by the length of the string, but
does anyone know how to solve this problem? Is there any reason why
it should work in Excel 97 but not 2003? Also I am open to
suggestions about any other ways to set up a Range object of multiple
columns to use in the Find method.