Error: 130 in newsgroups...


Steven Thompson

On 5/26/2009 there is a newsgroup article entitled, "Re: iPhone through
Exchnage to Entourage Issues" by (e-mail address removed). When I attempt to
Download more messages using Entourage 2008 12.1.9 I get an error message
that states,

"Syntax Error in Command"

Could not retrieve mail.

Account name: "Microsoft News Server"

Error: 130

If I select the Delete button on the dialog box, the message doesn't get
deleted. If I try to select "Delete Message" from the Edit menu, the
selection is grayed out. Trying to use the Delete key on the keyboard
doesn't work either.

How do I get rid of this message or how do I prevent the error message from

PS. This happens to be the first, or should I say oldest, newsgroup article
in my list.


Steve Thompson
Using a 24" Aluminum iMac. May, 2009 (Leopard 10.5.7)
3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8GB 1066 MHz DDR3

Diane Ross

If I select the Delete button on the dialog box, the message doesn't get

You can't delete individual newsgroup posts like you can mail messages. This
is because the server will keep these messages, even if they are no longer
visible on your computer.

Error 130

This error has been seen when one tries to connect to a newsgroup and
download messages and/or headers. This can be corrected by rebuilding the

Make a duplicate in the Finder first as additional backup. A rebuild does
make a duplicate, but sometimes in the process the original and backup get
merged resulting in total disaster. It's rare but it happens.

How to rebuild:


Diane Ross

Perfect, Diane. If I had a mariachi band I would serenade you.

Glad I could help. After you are happy with the new Identity, you can trash
the rebuild copy.

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