Error 1328 applying SP3 to Office 2000 SR-1


Chris Spreitzer

I installed Office 2000 Small Business edition SR-1 from
CDs. Now I try Office Update, and it tells me to install
Service Pack 3. When I try that, I get Error 1328,
complaining that c:\Config.Msi\PTC306.TMP was updated by
something else. What gives, and how do I work around
this? I have found notes regarding problems like this for
Office XP, but I have Office 2000.

Thanks in advance

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Chris,

If you've shutdown all other running software,
utilities and antivirus before running setup
and if you're able to run Detect & Repair successfully
from the Word 2000 Help menu and if Office 2000 was
originally installed from the CDS (rather than an
Office Admin point) then you can sometimes get this
error if the MS Installer has
become corrupted or, unforturnately, if you're still
using MS Installer v1.1 rather than v2.x;EN-US;292539

This troubleshooting article for Office updates may
also be helpful.;en-us;810295

BTW, this is on a Windows 98 SE machine, with all critical
windows updates applied. Also running Norton AntiVirus
and ZoneAlarm Pro. NAV's auto-protect was disabled, and
ZAP "shut down" (I think this only stops the GUI, not
the "vector engine"), during the following attempt. After
posting last night, I un-installed Office (both the disk 1
and disk 2 parts), then re-installed it. I managed to
download Office 2000 SP3 as a .exe file. When I tried to
apply it, I got error 1328 again --- this time complaining
about a file named something like PHOTOED.EXE.

Still unhappy.>>
Hope that helps,

Bob Buckland ?:) MS Office Products family MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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