I created an application using Visual Fox Pro 6.0 that has an option to
data for word 2003. When pressuring button that executes this mailmerge I
receive the following message: "Error #1429 in mailmergeword8 (63) ole
Idispatch exception code 0 from Microsoft word".
What does it mean? What can I do to eliminate this problem?
Bellow, I show part of the program´s code in order to give more information:
WITH THISFORM.mailmerge1
..cAppTitle = "Sistema X"
..nWordProc = 1
..nNewDoc = 2
..cdocname = docx
..nTemplate = 1
..cAlias = ALIAS()
..cDBCTable = DBF()
..cDBCName = DBC()
ACOPY(aflds, .aAutoFields)
DO Executa_ApiShell32.prg WITH "Open", docx
data for word 2003. When pressuring button that executes this mailmerge I
receive the following message: "Error #1429 in mailmergeword8 (63) ole
Idispatch exception code 0 from Microsoft word".
What does it mean? What can I do to eliminate this problem?
Bellow, I show part of the program´s code in order to give more information:
WITH THISFORM.mailmerge1
..cAppTitle = "Sistema X"
..nWordProc = 1
..nNewDoc = 2
..cdocname = docx
..nTemplate = 1
..cAlias = ALIAS()
..cDBCTable = DBF()
..cDBCName = DBC()
ACOPY(aflds, .aAutoFields)
DO Executa_ApiShell32.prg WITH "Open", docx