Pete Curtner
New install of Entourage 2004 connecting to an existing Exchange server,
upgraded from Outlook in Classic. Was able to successfully copy all
personal folders back up to the server, but since finishing that move,
Entourage flashes an "Error 16008" dialog a few times, the crashes.
All forms of the database rebuild complete successfully without discovering
or repairing any errors. Repairing disk permissions on the startup volume
using Disk Utility doesn't turn up anything. Logging into that user's homw
account from another machine with a completely brand-spankin-new copy
of office 2004 reproduces the crashes.
Several other sites (MiT, MacNN, VT, etc) have mentioned this problem,
some users have reported success launching Word 2004 and/or the
Microsoft Database Daemon (in /M$ Office 2004/Office/) before launching
Entourage, but in this user's case it continues to crash. The solution to the
Office v.X version of this problem, copying the Carbon Registration file
created by a local account over to the network user's library, doesn't work as
Office 2004 doesn't use that file anymore.
Considering how many networked-home users we have, if this doesn't get
resolved quickly we're going to have big problems.
upgraded from Outlook in Classic. Was able to successfully copy all
personal folders back up to the server, but since finishing that move,
Entourage flashes an "Error 16008" dialog a few times, the crashes.
All forms of the database rebuild complete successfully without discovering
or repairing any errors. Repairing disk permissions on the startup volume
using Disk Utility doesn't turn up anything. Logging into that user's homw
account from another machine with a completely brand-spankin-new copy
of office 2004 reproduces the crashes.
Several other sites (MiT, MacNN, VT, etc) have mentioned this problem,
some users have reported success launching Word 2004 and/or the
Microsoft Database Daemon (in /M$ Office 2004/Office/) before launching
Entourage, but in this user's case it continues to crash. The solution to the
Office v.X version of this problem, copying the Carbon Registration file
created by a local account over to the network user's library, doesn't work as
Office 2004 doesn't use that file anymore.
Considering how many networked-home users we have, if this doesn't get
resolved quickly we're going to have big problems.