Error 1606. Could not access network location.



When I try to install a program on my computer I get an error message every
time!!! It says, Error 1606. Could not access network
location%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users. What do I do?


To install software, you need to be logged on as a user who has
administratror rights.


If you have administrative rights?
Sorry, I don't understand what you are asking.
If you have admin rights, you can install software. If you don't, you
either have to log on as a user who does or you have to get you Desktop
Support person involved if you are talking about a work environment.


I have admininstrative rights on my computer. Tried to install the program
under my username (which has admin rights) and as the local administrator.
I'm my desktop support person, so nobody I can get here to help. Searched
the net and can't find a solution that works (tried several). Receive the
1606 cannot access table 0 error each time. Also updated my windows


I would ask the question in a different newsgroup. This newgroup is for
Microsoft Access, the Microsoft Office database application. Sorry, but you
are beyond my ability to help.

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