Error 170 for Exchange 2007 and Entourage 2004



We just started our migration to Exchange 2007. We have several MacOS
computers therefore we bought lots of Entourage 2004 licenses.

We have run all updates possible.

Entourage 11.3.3 (However we have installed the 11.3.4 patch also, but
that doesn't update entourage)
MacOS X 10.4.8

Our problem is that we get connected to the Exchange-server, we can
list public folders but we can't get the users inbox/calender etc.
When we create an account and verify the settings we get that an
unknown error 170 occured. A hint in another usegroup told me that it
was a regexp fault that said it could not get inside the right box,
however when we do a TCPFlow dump on the communication we do see that
it actually can login to the right emailbox.

It works just fine when connecting via IMAP or to the web access via
Safari, but not when connecting with the real Exchange account in

We have tried a lot of different settings when it comes to setting the
Exchange-server in Entourage:[email protected]

Any help would be appriciated since we are about to go live with the
new Exchange system soon.

Best Regards

Here is the result of the tcpflow when the error occurs: PROPFIND /exchange/user/
User-Agent: Entourage/11.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; PPC Mac OS X 10.4.8;
Tasman 1.0)
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: sv, en;q=0.5
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Depth: 0
Brief: t
Translate: F
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Cookie: UserContext=c3a1d3cbb7bf4db1bccfdd023678bf96
Content-Length: 293
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: Keep-Alive <?xml version="1.0"?
<D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:hm="urn:schemas:httpmail:"
xmlns:r=""> said:
</D:prop></D:propfind> HTTP/1.1 404 Resource Not
Connection: close
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 19:53:05 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 150
MS-WebStorage: 08.00.10685

<body><h2>HTTP/1.1 404 Resource Not Found</h2></body></HTML>utf-8"> GET /exchange/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Entourage/11.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; PPC Mac OS X 10.4.8;
Tasman 1.0)
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: sv, en;q=0.5
Authorization: Basic YWNuZVxsYXJzOmFjbmVoYmc=
Cookie: UserContext=c3a1d3cbb7bf4db1bccfdd023678bf96
Content-Length: 0
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: Keep-Alive HTTP/1.1 302 Object Moved
Content-Length: 154
Content-Type: text/html
Location: http://EXCHANGESERVER.DOMAIN.SE/owa/
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 19:53:04 GMT

<head><title>Document Moved</title></head>
<body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This document may be found <a HREF="http://
EXCHANGESERVER.DOMAIN.SE/owa/">here</a></body> GET /owa/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Entourage/11.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; PPC Mac OS X 10.4.8;
Tasman 1.0)
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: sv, en;q=0.5
Content-Length: 0
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: Keep-Alive
Authorization: Basic YWNuZVxsYXJzOmFjbmVoYmc=
Cookie: UserContext=c3a1d3cbb7bf4db1bccfdd023678bf96 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 19:53:05 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
X-OWA-Version: 8.0.685.24
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: -1
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Content-Length: 17717

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class="frst">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="center" class="frst"><img
class="sI" src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/msg-fwd.gif" alt=" Meddelande:
Vidarebefordrat">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="center"
class="frst"><img class="atch" src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/attch.gif"
alt="Bifogad fil">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="center"
class="frst"><input type="checkbox" name="chkmsg"
title="Markera objekt" onclick="onClkChkBx(this);">&nbsp;</td><td
nowrap class="frst">user Antonsson&nbsp;</td><td nowrap
class="frst"><h1><a href="#" onClick="onClkRdMsg(this, 'IPM.Note', 0,
0);">test</a></h1>&nbsp;</td><td nowrap class="sc
frst">2007-03-13&nbsp;14:12&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="right"
class="frst">5 kB&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td nowrap align="center">&nbsp;</
td><td nowrap align="center"><img class="sI" src="8.0.685.24/themes/
base/msg-rd.gif" alt="Meddelande: Läs">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap
align="center">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="center"><input
type="checkbox" name="chkmsg"
title="Markera objekt" onclick="onClkChkBx(this);">&nbsp;</td><td
nowrap>user Antonsson&nbsp;</td><td nowrap><h1><a href="#"
onClick="onClkRdMsg(this, 'IPM.Note', 1, 0);">tet</a></h1>&nbsp;</
td><td nowrap class="sc">2007-03-13&nbsp;11:34&nbsp;</td><td nowrap
align="right">746 B&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td nowrap
align="center">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="center"><img class="sI"
src="8.0.685.24/theme s/base/msg-rd.gif"
alt="Meddelande: Läs">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap
align="center">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="center"><input
type="checkbox" name="chkmsg" value="RgAAAACqoc01bZQUR5xbNP/2Bt/
title="Markera objekt" onclick="onClkChkBx(this);">&nbsp;</td><td
nowrap>qlikview@company...&nbsp;</td><td nowrap><h1><a href="#"
onClick="onClkRdMsg(this, 'IPM.Note', 2, 0);">Namnlöst
meddelande</a></h1>&nbsp;</td><td nowrap class="sc">2007-03-13&nbsp;
09:33&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="right">190 B&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td
nowrap align="center">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="center"><img
class="sI" src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/msg-rd.gif" alt="Meddelande:
Läs">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="center">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap
align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="chkmsg"
title="Markera objekt" onclick="onClkChkBx(this);">&nbsp;</td><td
nowrap>qlikview@company...&nbsp;</td><td nowrap><h1><a href="#"
onClick="onClkRdMsg(this, 'IPM.Note', 3, 0);">Namnlöst
meddelande</a></h1>&nbsp;</td><td nowrap class="sc">2007-03-13&nbsp;
09:30&nbsp;</td><td nowrap align="right">192 B&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
..<td class="nvft">
...<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="hdvt"><tr><td
class="ihdv"><img src="8. 0.685.24/themes/base/
clear.gif" alt=""></td></tr></table><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
class="qbt"><tr><td colspan=2 class="txt">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td
class="crv"><img src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/crvbtmlt.gif" alt=""></
td><td class="btm"><img src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/clear.gif"
..<td valign="bottom">
...<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="hdvt"><tr><td
class="ihdv"><img src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/clear.gif" alt=""></td></
tr></table><table class="tbft" cellpadding=0
cellspacing=0><caption>Sökning och nedre verktygsfält</
caption><tr><td nowrap><a href="#" onClick="return onClkTb('move');"
class="btn" title="Flytta" id="lnkFtrmove"><img src="8.0.685.24/themes/
base/move.gif" alt=""> Flytta</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td><td nowrap><a
href="#" onClick="return onClkTb('delete');" class="btn" title="Ta
bort" id="lnkFtrdelete"><img src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/delete.gif"
alt=""> Ta bort</a></td><td class="w100">&nbsp;</td><td class="pl"
nowrap>Sida:</td><td class="pTxt">1</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td
class="pImg"><img border="0" src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/fpg.gif"
title="Första sidan" alt=""></td><td class="pImg"><img border="0"
src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/ppg.gif" title="Föregående sida"
alt=""></td><td class="pImg"><img border="0" src="8.0.685.24/themes/
title="Nästa sida" alt=""></td><td class="pImg"><img border="0"
src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/ f" title="Förra
sidan" alt=""></td><td align="right" class="crvBtm"><img
src="8.0.685.24/themes/base/crvbtmrt.gif" alt=""></td></tr></table>
..<td colspan=3 align="right" class="tdLogoB"><img src="8.0.685.24/
themes/base/exchange.gif" alt="">Ansluten till Microsoft Exchange</td>
<input type="hidden" name="hidcmdpst" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="hidcid" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="hidso" value="">
<input type=hidden name="hidpid" value="MessageView"><input
type=hidden name="hidcanary" value="c3a1d3cbb7bf4db1bccfdd023678bf96">

Paul Robichaux [MVP-Exchange]

We just started our migration to Exchange 2007. We have several MacOS
computers therefore we bought lots of Entourage 2004 licenses.

We have run all updates possible.

Entourage 11.3.3 (However we have installed the 11.3.4 patch also, but
that doesn't update entourage)
MacOS X 10.4.8

Our problem is that we get connected to the Exchange-server, we can
list public folders but we can't get the users inbox/calender etc.
When we create an account and verify the settings we get that an
unknown error 170 occured. A hint in another usegroup told me that it
was a regexp fault that said it could not get inside the right box,
however when we do a TCPFlow dump on the communication we do see that
it actually can login to the right emailbox.

It works just fine when connecting via IMAP or to the web access via
Safari, but not when connecting with the real Exchange account in

We have tried a lot of different settings when it comes to setting the
Exchange-server in Entourage:[email protected]

Any help would be appriciated since we are about to go live with the
new Exchange system soon.

Can you access the mailboxes with Outlook Web Access (OWA)? Exchange
doesn't actually create a mailbox in the database until you log on or
until the first piece of mail is delivered to it. Logging on with OWA
will verify that the mailbox exists and that it's accessible.


Arne Sand

Any help would be appriciated since we are about to go live with the
new Exchange system soon.

Is your exchange server in a hosted system with multiple e-mail domains?



Can you access the mailboxes with Outlook Web Access (OWA)? Exchange
doesn't actually create a mailbox in the database until you log on or
until the first piece of mail is delivered to it. Logging on with OWA
will verify that the mailbox exists and that it's accessible.

-Paul- Dölj citerad text -

- Visa citerad text -

We have no problem accessing the mailbox through OWA. As you can see
per the dump there is even mail in the mailbox. We have tried several
different users and computers. We even downloaded the trial Exchange
2007 image from Microsoft and set it up in a local network and ran i
it in a virtual PC. We could then successfully connect with Entourage
to Exchange 2007, but to our real Exchange we only get the error 170.

For Microsoft Outlook there is no problem at all.

Best Regards


The URL's should correspond to whom you use to access OWA. You prob
know this, but the dump you proved suggests that there is some
redirection involved.


I answer both of your queries in this post.

We have multiple e-mail domains in our enviroment but it is not a
external hosted enviroment, we have the server at our LAN and it's
only our company on it. But we have email-domains both for .com
and .se

As for the URL, in my previous post as answer to Paul, we successfully
could connect to an Exchange 2007 when we downloaded the trial image
from Microsoft and ran it on a virtual PC. We then used only in the host field of the server. But yes to our real
Exchange server we tried to the correct user, I only changed that from
the dump to anti-spam the addresses a bit.

Best Regards

Arne Sand

We have multiple e-mail domains in our enviroment but it is not a
external hosted enviroment, we have the server at our LAN and it's
only our company on it. But we have email-domains both for .com
and .se

The user that you try to access with should have the EXACT same
username in both domains:

(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)

This is because of the way Entourage handles multiple domains..



I am seeing the same symptoms, have you made any progress?
Yes the problem was solved by Microsoft. Our company bought support
from their professional PSP.

We had two problems:

First problem was that we had redirected the Default website to /owa
so when you went to you got automatically
forwarded to and this setting was
somehow applied to all subdirectories and even the /exchange legacy
directory etc. We were unaware of that it got applied to all
directories. The solution of this was just to remove the forward and
set it back to normal state, apply it to all subdirectories, restart
IIS services, set the forwarding back again and made sure that it
wasn't applied to any other directories. Once more after that restart
IIS services.

The second part of the problem was that we mentioned above that we had
a separate email domain from our logon domain. This is also explained
in a KB by Microsoft. But the solution here was to enter the
servername in the following format:[email protected]

Best Regards

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