Error 1722 installing Project Central Server on Server 2003


- Chris

I am attempting to install Project Central Server to use with Project 2000 on
a Windows Small Business Server 2003. However, towards the end, I keep
getting "Error 1272. There is a problem with this Windows Installer
package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.
Contact your support personnel or package vendor." Unfortunately, I haven't
found any clues as to what is causing this or how to solve this issue. Can
anyone shed some light on this?

- Chris

Just wanted to add an update. I ran the setup again from the command prompt
with logging, and in addition to the above error, I get the action it is
attached to:

"Action ConfigureIIS, location: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI276.tmp, command

IIS is up ad running as it should be. Again, thanks for any help you can

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