Mike Scott
Hi All,
Running 11.2.1 Entourage client. Our Exchange server is not running
Exchange 2003 SP2 yet as the admins are nervous to upgrade.
I setup a new directory service with the same info I use in Apple's
Address Book. Only info being server and search base. When I don't
fill in a search base, I get the -17768 error and can't connect to the
directory server at all. When I search for a name that returns a
modest amount of entires (40 or so will do it, have yet to find the
lower bounds) I get an error, -17796 saying there were too many
matches. I tried tweaking the Maximum Number of Results setting to no
avail. anyone?
It also appears to me that Entourage is only looking at the default
email address when looking up users on my ldap server. If I am
searching for "Jason User", and his default email address is
"(e-mail address removed)" I will recieve no results. However if I search for
"usr" or "jus" I will have his entry returned. Our users defulat email
address vary, sometimes being in the format First.Middle.Last@ and
sometimes simply being the short username, user@. Address Book will
find users based on default email address as well as full name details
with the same ldap settings. I'd love to hear an explanation to this
that isn't "It's the way you are setting up ldap entries" :-!
I'd love to hear from anyone at MS about this as I can't find mention
of this too many entries error anywhere... and any light that can be
shed on the ldap searching weirdness (such as what exactly Entourage is
quering against) would be great!
Running 11.2.1 Entourage client. Our Exchange server is not running
Exchange 2003 SP2 yet as the admins are nervous to upgrade.
I setup a new directory service with the same info I use in Apple's
Address Book. Only info being server and search base. When I don't
fill in a search base, I get the -17768 error and can't connect to the
directory server at all. When I search for a name that returns a
modest amount of entires (40 or so will do it, have yet to find the
lower bounds) I get an error, -17796 saying there were too many
matches. I tried tweaking the Maximum Number of Results setting to no
avail. anyone?
It also appears to me that Entourage is only looking at the default
email address when looking up users on my ldap server. If I am
searching for "Jason User", and his default email address is
"(e-mail address removed)" I will recieve no results. However if I search for
"usr" or "jus" I will have his entry returned. Our users defulat email
address vary, sometimes being in the format First.Middle.Last@ and
sometimes simply being the short username, user@. Address Book will
find users based on default email address as well as full name details
with the same ldap settings. I'd love to hear an explanation to this
that isn't "It's the way you are setting up ldap entries" :-!
I'd love to hear from anyone at MS about this as I can't find mention
of this too many entries error anywhere... and any light that can be
shed on the ldap searching weirdness (such as what exactly Entourage is
quering against) would be great!