Error -18578 when trying to receive email



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel
Email Client: Exchange


I just got a macbook pro from work and entourage was set up for me by our IT team.

It worked fine for a few days, but now I'm receiving this error when entourage tries to pull my e-mail:

Error -18578
Could not synchronize record: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) to exchange server.

The thing is, my email will still be pulled the first time around. However it won't work after that and I have to relaunch Entourage each time to check my e-mail.

Any ideas? This is very frustrating.

William Smith

I just got a macbook pro from work and entourage was set up for me by
our IT team.

It worked fine for a few days, but now I'm receiving this error when
entourage tries to pull my e-mail:

Error -18578 Could not synchronize record: Delivery Status
Notification (Failure) to exchange server.

The thing is, my email will still be pulled the first time around.
However it won't work after that and I have to relaunch Entourage
each time to check my e-mail.

This sounds like you either have a corrupt message or your password in
your keychain is corrupt.

Try changing your password first at work then put the new password into

If that doesn't work then open the Keychain Access utility found in
/Applications/Utilities and select Keychain Access --> Keychain First
Aid to verify your keychain and repair it if necessary.

The message you describe above sounds like an item you might have in
your Sent Items folder. Right-click or Control-click that folder and
select Folder Properties. Empty the cache and let the folder synchronize
with the server again.

Finally, if all that fails, log in to your account via Outlook Web
Access (OWA) and look in your folders for a delivery status notification
message. Delete it from there.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
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