This is the code that I get the error on. The ^^^^^^^ show where the errors are and why I am confused
'Highest form numbe
Const lngcUpperBound = 1
'Lowest form numbe
Const lngcLowerBound =
Dim lngFormNumber As Lon
Dim strRandomMonth As Strin
'Generate a random number in the specified range. See 'Rnd Function' in the help file for details
Randomize Time
lngFormNumber = Int((lngcUpperBound - lngcLowerBound + 1) * Rnd + lngcLowerBound
strRandomMonth = DLookup("[Month]", "tblMonthsofYear", "ID = " & lngFormNumber
Me![RandomMonth] = strRandomMonth <-- Me![RandomMonth] is an unbound text and it work
Me![Month] = strRandomMonth <- Me![Month] is a field in the table tblData. This is where the error occurrs
Would appreciate any tips you might have
'Highest form numbe
Const lngcUpperBound = 1
'Lowest form numbe
Const lngcLowerBound =
Dim lngFormNumber As Lon
Dim strRandomMonth As Strin
'Generate a random number in the specified range. See 'Rnd Function' in the help file for details
Randomize Time
lngFormNumber = Int((lngcUpperBound - lngcLowerBound + 1) * Rnd + lngcLowerBound
strRandomMonth = DLookup("[Month]", "tblMonthsofYear", "ID = " & lngFormNumber
Me![RandomMonth] = strRandomMonth <-- Me![RandomMonth] is an unbound text and it work
Me![Month] = strRandomMonth <- Me![Month] is a field in the table tblData. This is where the error occurrs
Would appreciate any tips you might have