Error 2501 on a multiuser environment - Access 2000




I've got a main form with a linked subform for entering
data on an Aceess 2000 application. I am using the
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSave command for saving and it
works ok on a stand alone PC. When I run the application
on a multi user environment I get an error 2501.

It seems that my data are saved but does anybody now why
this is happening?

Rob Cooper \(MSFT\)


Are you trying to save a record? If so, try using DoCmd.RunCommand
acCmdSaveRecord instead. acCmdSave is typically used for saving objects. In
order to save an object in Access 2000, you have to be able to obtain an
exclusive lock on the file, which would probably result in this error.

The following article contains more information:

ACC2000: Exclusive Lock Required for Saving Design Changes to Access Objects;en-us;200290

Hope this helps,

Rob Cooper
Software Test Engineer
Microsoft Access Team

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