I have not been able to install any updates Office Outlook 2003 for
approximately six months now. The event error suggests that I open
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\1033\SETUP.CHM and look for
"Office Source Engine" for information on how to resolve the problem, which I
have done.
In attempting to resolve the problem, in Services and Applications under
Computer Management in Manage from My Computer, to start the Office Source
Engine, I get the following message: "Could not start the Office Source
Engine service on Local Computer. Error 3: The system cannot find the path
How do I fix this error without reinstalling Microsoft Outlook Professional
2003, and so that my updates can resume and install automatically?
approximately six months now. The event error suggests that I open
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\1033\SETUP.CHM and look for
"Office Source Engine" for information on how to resolve the problem, which I
have done.
In attempting to resolve the problem, in Services and Applications under
Computer Management in Manage from My Computer, to start the Office Source
Engine, I get the following message: "Could not start the Office Source
Engine service on Local Computer. Error 3: The system cannot find the path
How do I fix this error without reinstalling Microsoft Outlook Professional
2003, and so that my updates can resume and install automatically?