Error 28 - Out of Stack Space



Hello everyone,
I posted this question in the GFeneral Discussions form
this morning and have gotten no response so I am posting
here in the hopes that someone can at least point me in
the right direction.

I have been debugging a problem with one of my forms all
day. The form is rather complex and there is a lot of data
validation, etc going on. A short time ago I got a runtime
error I have never seen before. Error 28, Out of Stack
Space. Since I have been debugging, going in and out of
code, stopping code in the middle of operation, etc. while
dealing with the problems I had I figured this was being
caused by the application because I had been working with
the code in a manner which is not normal. I shut access
down and started it back up thinking that will clear the
application stack. The problem returned. I then searched
the Knowledgebase and found one article that described
Error 28, but that article described a problem involving
an uninitialized string variable used with the
followHyperlink method. I am not doing that. I then
began trying to narrow down the line of code causeing the
problem. I stepped through the code one line at a time
until I hit the error. If I hit the error, then closed and
reopened the form, then stepped into the code, the
application would crash all together with no message or
indication there was a problem until the application
terminated. I went through this process several times,
then the problem cleared up with me having changed
nothing. At the time, I was simply attempting to determine
what line of code was causing the error.

Any Ideas? Has anyone seen anything like this before? I am
happy the problem ihas currently clearted up, but not
knowing what the source of the problem is/was concerns

Thanks in advance!



Are you using recursion? Perhaps you are using recursion accidentally, it can happen.


The procedure that was causing the error did not have any
recursive calls. I stepped through the code and even an
accidental recursive call would have been apparent. Also,
if that were the problem, it would not have mysteriously
stopped. I am as much concerned by the problem as the fact
that the problem has, for now at least, just stopped with
me having changed nothing to fix the problem.



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