Error 28



Hello everyone,

I have been debugging a problem with one of my forms all
day. The form is rather complex and there is a lot of data
validation, etc going on. A short time ago I got a runtime
error I have never seen before. Error 28, Out of Stack
Space. Since I have been debugging, going in and out of
code, stopping code in the middle of operation, etc. while
dealing with the problems I had I figured this was being
caused by the application because I had been working with
the code in a manner which is not normal. I shut access
down and started it back up thinking that will clear the
application stack. The problem returned. I then searched
the Knowledgebase and found one article that described
Error 28, but that article described a problem involving
an uninitialized string variable used with the
followHyperlink method. I am not doing that. The then
began trying to narrow down the line of code causeing the
problem. I stepped through the code one line at a time
until I hit the error. If I hit the error, then closed and
reopened the form, then stepped into the code, the
application would crash all together with no message or
indication there was a problem until the application
terminated. I went through this process several times,
then the problem cleared up with me having changed
nothing. At the time, I was simply attempting to determine
what line of code was causing the error.

Any Ideas? Has anyone seen anything like this before? I am
happy the problem ihas currently clearted up, but not
knowing what the source of the problem is/was concerns

Thanks in advance!


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